Center for Security Research Events CSR at the Warsaw EuroAtlantic Summer Academy 2020

CSR at the Warsaw EuroAtlantic Summer Academy 2020

From 3rd to 10th of July, our Head of the Department for law enforcement research Oliver Risteski MA, participed in the Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy – WEASA 2020, a program funded by the European Commission and supported by Fundacja Liderzy Przemian, College of Europe in Natolin, German Marshall Fund of the United States and Fulbright Poland. The program covered topics related to the:
– Digital Transatlantic rift
– Social Media moderation, Big Tech & algorithmic radicalisation
– Geolocation and open source investigations – OSINT
– Investigative journalism
– Disinformation
– Election security
– Digital security
– Social media
– Data journalism

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The CSR is organizing a workshop on „Best practices and approaches in the reintegration of foreign terrorist fighter (FTF) returnees“The CSR is organizing a workshop on „Best practices and approaches in the reintegration of foreign terrorist fighter (FTF) returnees“

Within the CSR operational framework, taking into account the relevance of the topic related to foreign terrorist fighters and the process of reintegration of returnees, we consider it extremely important for this topic to develop a useful discussion between directly or indirectly affected individuals, institutions and organizations, during which opinions and best practices for dealing with this process will be exchanged.

For that purpose, we will be organizing the workshop titled „Best practices and approaches in the reintegration of foreign terrorist fighter (FTF) returnees“ on Feb 23, 2021 06:00 PM, which will be held online via ZOOM.

The login details, the agenda and the speakers bio can be found in the event poster or in the following link:

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Online meeting with the “Begin-Sadat Center for strategic studies”Online meeting with the “Begin-Sadat Center for strategic studies”

As part of our strategy in building solid relations between the Center for Security Research in Skopje and leading international security research institutions, as well within the CSR framework for international cooperation, today we launched a new joint-program for cooperation between the Center for Security Research in Skopje and our international partner, the leading Israeli Institute in the field of Security research “Begin-Sadat Center for strategic studies” of Bir Ilan University. In the meeting, we outlined the future scope of work and defined the common areas of study between both organizations. The CSR aims to expand the understanding of international affairs, focusing on inter-relationship between security, conflict, and development, as well to assist governmental institutions in the Republic of Macedonia in understanding and dealing with modern security challenges through research and analysis.

The CSR organized the Seminar on private security P-SEC2The CSR organized the Seminar on private security P-SEC2

Today, with the support of the Macedonian sport shooting federation, the Center for Security Research held the seminar P-SEC2. The practical seminar included training of the participants for handling a handgun and semi-automatic rifle, and concluded on the firing range, where the participants showed their new acquired skills. The training was held in a dynamic atmosphere, it was very comprehensive and all the participant will get their certificates for successfully finishing the basic firearm training.